Steps to download LIC premium payment receipt online

What if we lost the hard copy of LIC receipt? What if we have not received the LIC premium receipt to our email? You no need to worry. We can still download LIC premium payment receipt online.

There are two ways to pay LIC premium one is the traditional way of OFFLINE and another is ONLINE. When you pay through offline mode by visiting LIC branches. Once you visit and pay the premium, then you will get the receipt immediately in your hand.

However, when you pay using ONLINE mode, then you will get the receipt instantly to your registered email id.

What if you lost or not received LIC Premium Receipt?

There is a change that you may misplace your paid receipt or you may not receive the receipt to your email id. But at the end of the financial year, this LIC receipt is very much important to prove yourself that you paid the premium and get the tax benefits.

Therefore, it is very much important for you to understand the process of how to download LIC premium payment receipt online.

Steps in LIC New User Registration and Login

Before you jump into download LIC premium payment receipt online, you must create login account for yourself. Hence, you must understand the steps involved in LIC new user registration process.

I will explain to you the steps of how to create LIC new user registration and login.

# Step 1

Go to LIC Homepage and click on the link called LIC e-Services which is available on “Online Services”.

LIC New User Registration and Login# Step 2

Then click on the tab “New User”.

LIC New User Registration Steps

# Step 3

Now you have to enter the policy details and your communication details like Email and Mobile Phone numbers. Note that all fields are mandatory. Make sure you enter valid data which is same in your LIC policy.

LIC New User Registration 1Note-

  • Enter the valid policy number.
  • Installment Premium should be without service tax.
  • Date of Birth format should be like dd/mm/yyyy.
  • Provide the Mobile number and Email ID which you regularly use and retain for long. Because once you register, then the future communication will be sent to this mobile number and email id.

# Step 4

Once you click on the tab “Proceed”, then the page will redirect to the below screen where you have to enter the User Name and Password of your choice. Once this is done, then the registration process is complete. Note that the User ID and password should be a contain letters, alphabets and two special characters dot (.) and underscore (_). Also

LIC New User Registration 2

Note-Policyholders can enroll policies on their own life only and on their minor kid’s name. Once the minor change to major, then the user has to create the new account in the major kid name. If the policy pertains to a different person viz. spouse, children etc, then he/she is requested to register a separate user-id and enroll the respective policy/ies under that user-id.

Then you have to log in to LIC portal but this time by clicking on “Registered User” instead of “New User”. After that, you can add the LIC policies you are holding.

Once you created the login and later on if you purchased new policies, then simply fill the “Addendum to Proposal Form for LIC e-services”. The format looks like below.

Addendum to Proposal Form for LIC's e-services

You can Download Addendum to Proposal Form for LIC’s e-services also.

This is all about how a new user can register to LIC portal. Let us more forward to the main topic of this post.

How to download LIC premium payment receipt online?

For download LIC premium payment receipt online, you must be registered user of LIC’s e-Services. Above, I explained the full steps of how to register as a first time user. Now let me explain the steps to download LIC premium payment receipt online.

# Step 1

Go to LIC Homepage and click on the link called LIC e-Services which is available on “Online Services”.

LIC New User Registration and Login

# Step 2

Then you have to click on the tab “Registered User” this time. Because you are already a registered user.

LIC's e Services Login

# Step 3

Now you have to enter your User ID and Password. If you forget the User ID and Password, then use the link provided for the same and the screen looks like below.

LIC Policyholder Login

# Step 4

Now you will be in the Welcome screen of LIC e-Services Page and it looks like below.

LIC Login Page

What are the features of LIC’s e-Services?

Using LIC’s e-Services, you can do the following activity at ease.

  • Check policy schedule.
  • Check policy status.
  • Check claim status
  • Loan status
  • You can generate policy revival quotation
  • You can view the policy and proposal images.
  • Pay the premium online
  • Check the Premium Calendar
  • Policy claim history
  • Change Password
  • Update Profile
  • Add or Enroll policies

Along with that, you can also download LIC premium payment receipt online.

# Step 5

Click on the two options available as “Consolidated Premium Paid Statement” or “Individual Policy Premium Paid Statement”.

Consolidated Premium Paid Statement-Use this option to download the premium paid statement of all your policies.

Individual Policy Premium Paid Statement-Use this option to download the individual policy premium paid statement.

download LIC premium payment receipt online

# Step 6

Next, you have to select the Financial Year and in case of Individual Policy Premium Paid Statement, select the policy number to download.

LIC Premium Receipt Download

# Step 7

Now you can download the PDF version of the receipt or print the same. This can be submitted as the proof of your LIC Policy Premium Paid Receipt.

LIC Premium Paid Receive Download

This is how you can easily download LIC premium payment receipt online. Hope this information will be useful to all.

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23 thoughts on “Steps to download LIC premium payment receipt online”

  1. Prasad Sambhaji dhuri

    I am Prasad Sambhaji dhuri and ragister user id but forgot the password
    I give the request for the new password but not got the email on time on my registered email id
    what should be done further


  2. click on below link if you want to download your LIC payment receipt without Registration

    First click on “VIEW TRANSACTION STATUS ” THEN FILL BELOW THREE STEPS then Submit Now you will get your receipt easily.

    1- Policy Number
    2- Date of Transaction
    3- Transaction Type (Renewal Premium)

  3. Hi..
    There is some problem with New User tab. I tried many times but that is not working. Is there any other method to download the receipt.

  4. I (Satpal suthar) have paid Rs. 10126 for policy no XXXXXXXXXX on date 8 Nov. 2017 but not receive any receit till date.

  5. Seems LIC have migrated to new version for Receipt. I could see only last 3 FY receipt.
    Option for Consolidated is no where appearing.
    Any way out to get all payment receipts

  6. Sridhar Mishra

    Last step is not working means pdf is not opening even I have latest version of pdf acrobat is there in my handset.

  7. Hi Basavaraj,

    Thanks for the great post and great help!! I lost my LIC Premium receipt, so needed this info of what to be done when we lose the receipt and everything.

  8. Debashis Mohapatra

    Dear Sir
    I want to buy an apartment near Varthur and apartment is 150mt distance from Varthur lake.Will it be wise to buy this flat.

    I heard if flat is 50mt away from lake then it is illegal.

    Pls suggest.

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