EPF Nomination Rules – Check, change or update nominee details

Many of us not aware the importance of EPF Nomination. If you not took it seriously, then better to understand the EPF Nomination rules at first. Then check nomination details and if changes required, then better to do the changes as and when it is required.

EPF Nomination Rules

What are the EPF Nomination rules? How often can we change the nominee? Let us understand these basics in detail.

# Your all EPF accounts must have the nomination. This makes easy fund transfer in case of your sudden demise.

# You can nominate more than one nominee and also fix the % of sharing among all such nominees.

# You must always nominate someone who can be considered as a family member. A non-family nominee is not valid.

# If you have no family, then you can nominate someone. However, once the member has a family the nomination should be transferred to the family member.

# If you nominated someone before marriage, then post marriage you have to update your spouse as a nominee. If you do not update then the nominations made before the marriage will be considered invalid. It is necessary to file new nominations, post marriage.

# In case a minor is a nominee, the guardian should be the family member. However, if there is no family member to become a guardian, then the employee can appoint a guardian from outside family.

# If there is no nomination the EPF amount would be equally distributed among family members. The sons who have attained maturity, sons of a deceased son who have attained maturity, married daughters whose husbands are alive and married daughters of a deceased son whose husbands are alive are not considered for such distribution.

# You can change the nomination as many times as you wish.

Rights of the nominee in EPF

What are the rights of the nominee in EPF? Whether the nominee will be the natural owner of the fund after the death of an employee? The answer is NO.

Nominee here acts just like a trustee. He has the rights to receive the EPF funds of the deceased employee. However, he has no rights to claim the ownership of the fund. The EPF fund should be then distributed to legal heirs of the employee as per the legal heir’s law.

This is the reason it is always best that EPF nomination should be your legal heir itself. Otherwise, you will create a legal tussle with your family in your absence.

How to check EPF Nomination details online?

Using the EPFO Unified portal, you can check the EPF Nomination details online. The process is simple.

# Login to Unified Portal.

# Under Manage Tab, you have to select the option e-Nomination.

# Once you click there, then you will find the nomination details linked to EPF accounts.

How to update or change EPF Nomination online?

# Visit Unified Portal. Login with your user credentials.

# Under “Manage” menu, you have to select “E-Nomination” option.

EPF Nomination update online

# Your details like UAN, Name, Date of Birth, gender etc., will be displayed. Here you have to provide your ‘Permanent Address’ details in the relevant field and click on Save button.

# Provide ‘yes’ to update Family Declaration. Then you will be asked to provide ‘Add Family Member(s)’ details. You have to provide details of your family members like their names, date of birth, relation and Address.

EPF Nomination add or delete online

# Now you have to nominate your family members for your EPF account. You may declare the total amount of share (%) among your nominees. In case, you would like to nominate only one member of your family as your nominee then you can declare 100% as the share.

# Then click on ‘Save EPF Nomination’ button.

# Now you have to approve your e-Nomination form through Aadhaar e-Sign (Sign is an online electronic signature service in India to facilitate an Aadhaar holder to digitally sign a document. The signature service is facilitated by authenticating the Aadhar holder via the Aadhar–based e-KYC (electronic Know Your Customer) service.) facility. Click on e-Sign button to generate OTP, which will be sent to your mobile number that is linked to your Aadhaar. Then enter the OTP, which you have received in your mobile phone. That’s it. You have completed the process of e-Nomination. You no need to send any physical document to your employer or ex-employer.

# However, if your Aadhaar is not linked to EPF, then you will get an error message as “AADHAAR authentication failed. Details available against this UAN are not matching with details available with UIDAI.” (Refer the post on how to link Aadhaar with EPF “How to link Aadhaar to EPF using online and offline?“.

Hope this much information is enough for all employees to know about the importance of EPF Nomination and how one can update it online.

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275 thoughts on “EPF Nomination Rules – Check, change or update nominee details”

  1. Hi, my father is an earning member and mother is housewife. In family, can I add my father as “dependent father” in epfo portal? I want to add both my mother and father’s name for nomination. what to do in this case?

  2. e nomination filled but no digital sign is updated but the employees got demised recently, can the nominee update and claim the money.

  3. I am applying pension for my mother. Claim got rejected stating that status is married but husband name is not there is family details (as I have nominated myself with 100% share).

    My father died few years back. I have now updated the status as widow/widower. Is it ok or anything else is required?

  4. Sir I’m trying to add e-nominee details of my mother, once I’mcomplet fields and click save details, but I’m getting the error everytime
    Error Code: E-19 Error: Input values/Database fields are not matched
    what is the solution….

  5. Sir i just tried add my mother as my epf nominee, in her adharcard there is only year of birth. And when i try to add her its not working. Do i need to update her adharcard date of birth details.

  6. I have changed nominee as my husband in epf, but in the pdf it says that my father/ mother are dependent on me. Can you please help me on this

  7. How should I change 100% nomination .
    Before marriage i nominated my father 100% my pf
    Now i wanna change that nomination with my wife
    Is that possible

  8. Is there a way to check if offline nomination had been done in EPF account? The nomination of the spouse had been given when joining the new company.
    Now unfortunately the member had passed away but there is no e-Nomination seen in EPF login. So how can we check if the nomination given offline to employer had been completed or not?

  9. Hi Sir, in UAN site, under e-nomination page, we have the first option like Have Family? Yes/No. I given Yes, but site was not responded many times and later I saw that by mistake it was updated as “No”. So now in my nomination page, for Have Family? – No. It should be changed to Yes. I tried all possibilities and nothing is working. Even I tried with “contact Us” same site issue. Pls help on this

  10. Hi sir,
    My brother died in a road accident on 11-03-2022,he was worked in different companies form past 4yrs.recently we knw that he has pf ac bt he his not mention any nominee in that ac.right now wt we do ?my mother is depended is she can apply for pf pension ?is she can withdraw pf amount ?can u please share the details sir.

  11. Respected sir.
    While filling the nomination details, by mistake I have opted to have no family. how can i rectify it?
    Please help .

  12. I have successfully filled E nomination , I’m seeing the alert message EPF details saved successfully at the top.But I didn’t see the pdf file and Nomination History is empty.
    Can you please help what is next procedure I can follow.

  13. I have given my nominee details but not their bank account details as the option is invisible.How do i add them.Please reply.

  14. Sir
    I have done my e nomination successfully. Now I want to change the address in the e nomination. Is it possible. Regards

  15. Epf account holder was died. But her employer didn’t made any nominee. She is unmarried and don’t have parents, and she stayed with her sister. Now her sister can claim the PF and what documents are required.

  16. Hi sir am Divya!
    My sur name was not changed even after my marriage because of studies..
    My husband EPF nominee process we are not able to add my name… It’s showing some error while adding my name… Is there any rule for nominee process should maintain husband’s Sur name in adhar also

  17. Hello sir,
    I wants to apply for the pf advance withdrawal (form 31).
    Can i still proceed without adding nominee details.?
    I mean adding nominee is mandatory for every pf holding members or is it mandatory only at the time of final settlement of epf and eps (form 19& 10c).?
    Thank you

  18. Vishal Purohit

    Under EPF section I’m able to add more than 1 nominee, however in EPS nominee section there’s no add row option. So only 1 nominee can be added for EPS or I’m doing any mistake?

  19. If in case EPF holder are Orphan, than how did add the nominee details.?
    Even marriage also not getting to done yet.

  20. Sir I have successfully filed e nomination and pdf file shows it is successfully filed a message to the left at the bottom of the document shows signature is not digitally signed or verified.what should I do now?

  21. Cheryl Fernandes

    I am trying to add nominee in my mother’s pf account. My name got registered but when I am trying to add by brother’s aadhar details it is showing (Error Code: E-19 Error: Input values/Database fields are not matched)
    What am I suppose to do?

  22. Nomination registered in PF portal and details are available in PF portal but in e-nomination it shows as no nomination history available. I thought father surname is not available in PF so I am sending joint declaration for the purpose. There are so many mistakes in Aadhar and PAN cards specially names and date of birth. So many typo mistakes by data entry people. Very bad.

  23. Trisha Banerjee

    Sir,is there any way to remove someone from nominee after the e-nomination procedure has been done? It’s really urgent. Please reply.

  24. Hi Sir I want to check with you one thing, while we adding family details if we select family details Yes then we can see wife and kids as well as depended father and dependent mother, so I selected family as No then updated with father and mother with each 50% share is it fine? We need to add parents under family- Yes

  25. Yes i had successfully registered nominee in EPF but that time my wife account not available. But now I open wife account than go to epfo site in e nomination. But there is no option of edit so i can’t able to update nominee account detail.. please help to guide how can I update now…

  26. Rajesh Puliyalakam

    Hi sir, i entered all details of nominee but details are not getting saved. Kindly advise sir. The button save family details is not working.

  27. Nasir Bashir Ahmad

    I see my family declaration is set as NO
    I wanted to nominate my mom and dad and I am not able to do so
    What is the solution for the same

    How do I change it to Yes and make changes …Please suggest

  28. Nomination is saved successfully. It is showing Nomination Successful. But when I am trying to view passbook, it is showing same message as Nomination is pending.

  29. Siva krishna kodali

    Signatory details mismatch Name(data), like message is showing after doing the e sign process,what I did a mistake, please share me the solution (all my details updated in epf profile)

  30. The option to save EPS nomination was not available when I chose do you have a family
    But when I chose No the option to save EPF and EPS both coming.

    How much time is needed to approve by the Deppt as the passbook is still not visible

  31. I have entered my mother details as nominee. It’s shows EPF details saved successfuly but in nomination history it showing nothing.I tried many time using different browsers also.

  32. Sir I have made nomination in my profile and it says nomination successful
    But when I download that pdf the second column for EPS is showing nothing while the name of family member is showing correctly. And first column for EPF is showing the name of family member correctly.

    Also I am not able to view passbook

    Am I missing something

  33. EPF Nominee details saved successfully. When I am trying to save EPS nominee, there is showis as “Error while saving EPS details. Please try after some time”. 10000 times i tried. Every time getting this messafe

  34. I have entered my father details as nominee. It’s shows EPF details saved successfuly but in nomination history it showing nothing.

  35. whenever I’m entering the family details throwing error 100 – UIDAI Error Code: 100 Error: Demographic information such as Name, Date of Birth, Gender or any combination of the same available with the UIDAI/AADHAAR system do not match with details available with EPFO. Kindly get it corrected at UIDAI or in the EPFO records through Basic details change functionality. but the information subitted is correct what should i do now.

  36. I select, having family option No, now I added my father as nominee, but in nominee details it doesn’t show the nominee information. Please give the solution.

  37. I have clicked on E-Nomination tab. Basic details are not being displayed (as in the instructions, it has asked to update details).

    Only the adding nominee option is shown.

    To this as well, when trying to add my wife details, in address section (of nominee) in red being written less than 30 characters message even though I am typing not more than 15 including spaces special characters etc). And finally after uploading photo, form submission is not happening.

    Any idea why these issues??

    Note: I’ve just got KYC for my bank which is yet to be approved by my employer, could it be realted to this?

  38. I have tried to nominate my parents in epfo portal and gave correct details which have given in aadhar card , but I am getting error like
    “UIDAI Error Code: 100 Error: Demographic information such as Name, Date of Birth, Gender or any combination of the same available with the UIDAI/AADHAAR system do not match ”

    What will be the resolution for this?

  39. I have tried to nominate my wife in epfo portal and gave correct details which have given in aadhar card , but I am getting error like
    “UIDAI Error Code: 100 Error: Demographic information such as Name, Date of Birth, Gender or any combination of the same available with the UIDAI/AADHAAR system do not match ”

    What will be the resolution


  41. Sir my father expired due to stroke. I have his credentials trying to update nominnee details in uan portal getting error while trying for e sign for pf nomination. Plz let me know whether it has to be done by employer or member?

  42. i have nominated my spouse as nominee inadvertently two times and the esign has approved how to remove the previous one which i have nominated.

  43. Sir, I want to claim Pf being nominee for my husbands PF account.
    When i an trying to generate otp to submit claim i am getting error ‘member profile photo not uploaded’.

    how to get past this error as his UAn login has been now disabled as reason of exit is death.

  44. Gaurav

    Recently my father expired due to covid, I have my father login details and aadhar and related phone no, there was no nomination online earlier, I added the mother nomination same after the expiry. But after claiming it online through beneficiary error is showing “Date of expiry is less than the date of nomination”. Can you please provide how to proceed the Composite Death Claim form offline and what other documents need to be attached with it to claim the PF , EPS and EDLI.

  45. Recently my wife expired due to covid, I have my wife’s login details and aadhar and related phone no, there was no nomination online earlier, Can I add a nomination and claim for pf settlement & EDLI ? Will the claim be valid? If not please suggest other option to claim.


    I want to nominate my sister for epfo nominee but there is no option for sister in the relation drop box?
    What should I do?

  47. sir my father passed away in corona pandemic, his nominee is not showing online, i am not sure nomination is filed or not.
    if nomination is not present then can be claim edli scheme and pf amount..

  48. Dear Sir, I worked for 10 years in a mnc company 5 years back and received my pension certificate, i have given my mother name as nominee due to covid my mother had passed away. I am unmarried can i change nominee for my brother or my brother daughters pls reply sir

  49. When I am trying to file a death claim in the EPFO portal to claim my father’s PF, it is showing an error “Member’s profile photo not uploaded, cannot proceed”. What is to be done?

  50. Hi,
    I Lost my Husband last year and I want to raise a death claim . 1 ) I need to know who is the nominee for the PF account
    2) If I am the nominee, I tried to raise a claim too, however it is throwing an error ” Member Photo not updated, cant proceed”.

    Can you pls guide me as how to get the death claim.

    Also I need to know If I will get any pension from his PF.


      1. Thanks a lot for your quick response sir.

        He was working in Hydrabad and his PF number is having AP XXX reference, however we are in Chennai.

        Can I apply for it in chennai or I need to approach the AP PF office.

        Also please confirm if there is a provision for me to get any pension.



  51. V. J. Archana

    Hi sir,
    Actually I am divorced, I filled the details of my ex-husband in profile. Now I want to generate e-nomination for my mother. Is this possible? If possible please suggest me the process

  52. Aditya Agarwal

    Dear Basavraj – kudos you are doing a great job of educating general public.

    My query – can e-nomination on UAN portal be done post death of the subscriber ?

  53. Dear Sir,

    I had nominated my ex-wife as nominee of my EPF/EPS. Post divorce, I dont have a family and I wish to change nomination in favour of my brother. I am being asked by my employer (PSU) to enclose proof of reason for change of nomination and I enclosed the copy of court decree. The order has not mentioned my surname in its decree. Now the employer is mentioning to prove that my name is mentioned in the decree. Should an affidavit in this regard would suffice the requirement.

  54. Dr Sunil Kumar Saxena

    Dear Sir,

    I have problem with old E nomination. How can I delete old nomination as these create problem in submission of Form 10-D online.

  55. I updated my nominee details in epf nomination and after saving the details the option for pending nomination does not show. It only saves the details successfully. what can be the reason or way out of this?

  56. Hello sir my brother was passed away last month ,but my brother’s wife no ot staying along with him, when he hospitalised also she did not come and when he died also she did not attent but my brother has one son.
    When by brother hospitalised my mother only took all the measures and care .for some bank accounts my brother wife is the Naminee
    Now can my mother get some benefits or not pls help in this regards

  57. Hello. After completing the entire process and successfully downloading E-Nomination Form, I noticed that my Marital Status was shown as Un-Married instead of Married in the PDF Copy of E-Nomination Form. Then I realized that I skipped to Update the Marital Status in Profile Section before filing E-Nomination. What to do now so that correct Marital status appears in the Pdf Copy of the E-Nomination Form. Pls help for a prompt reply.

  58. Hi Sir, I have submitted for EPF advance and my claim was rejected with following reason


    Would you please let me know how to updated Spouse name in KYC.

    Thanks & Regards

  59. Hi sir ,

    My dad expired three before years ,now I have tried to withdraw pf amount but the employer not filled nomination details so I activate uan and tried to uan login but can’t login due to death is exit reason now how to update the nominee details. Pls clarify

  60. Juned Alam Siddiqui

    Respected Sir,

    I am having problem for selecting ‘Total Amount of Share %’. It doesn’t select on that box and showing red cross circle.
    Please tell me sir what is problem behind that.

  61. Respected Sir,

    Under no family criteria , can I register my married sister as nominee?
    I am trying to do it but it is giving error, ” Error while saving EPF nomination. Please try after some time.”
    Can you help me for the same.

    1. shaik md zaheer ahmed

      i would like to change my mother DOB in nominee details , tried login but failed stating UAN is not active .
      please let me in unified portal where can i see login option . could any one guide me

  62. Dear sir, my father was working a private concern and died two months before( 82 years). nomination registered in the name of ” thippammal” (while at the time of service in the private concern before 30 years) is my mothers who has 80 years old.In adhar, smart card and voter id is having in the name of singari. but the residential address is same in all documents. when we approached the Pensioners office they are requested proof for thippammal and singari is the same person. In our ESI CARD AND our father’s salary slip is having in the name of thippammal. Let me know the details about to transfer the pension amount to my mother account. give your valuable guideliness please. sampath kumar. 9865394515.

    1. Hi, friend to e sign for nominee, first we need to generate VID for our aadhar number to generate VID go to following link https://resident.uidai.gov.in/vid-generation and give your aadhar number and enter captcha then your VID sent to your register mobile number by Aadhar department after that mentioned that VID and do process asper information ask by EPFO site. Today I, have successfully completed my nomination. I wish you will be also complete your nomination with this information.

    2. I fill nomination before 1year online. Then site not ask for any e sign.
      Now I checked my e nomination.
      Nomination history not show any details.
      Even I save my old nomination details.
      Message shows status epf nomination save.
      But not ask for any view edit or e sign.
      Atleast not showing any data in nomination history

  63. Click on e-Sign button for OTP, but system reqd Aadhar based VID and after that an error display e.i. “Error 1010 : Error while registering eSign” please advise.

  64. Channu Hiremath

    I get Below error. please advise
    AADHAAR authentication failed. Details available against this UAN are not matching with details available with UIDAI.

  65. I tried printing the form but it shows signature not verified at the bottom of the page what to do please help

  66. Dear Sir
    I need s one doubt family nomination details all saved and EPS mother and father not accepted wt to do sir and wt problem sir

  67. Hello Sir,

    My Aadhar is linked with PF. But when I tryed for updating Nominee it shows as “AADHAAR authentication failed. Details available against this UAN are not matching with details available with UIDAI.”

    How to proceed further !! Kindly revert.

  68. Dear Sir,

    In PF portal my Husband name has been updated as “Father” by my previous employer. How to change this as “Husband” in relation status under PF portal? Please guide.

  69. Sir bete ki mritu ke baad uske Provident Fund, gratuity, Leave encashment aur GSLI mein agar koi nominee na ho toh paise ka haqdaar kaun hoga?…saath mein reh rahe Maa aur avivaahit aur berojgaar bhai behen ya unki Patni jinka na toh voter list mein naam hai na hi rashan card mein aur na hi health card hai.

      1. Sir bete ko agar Pita ki mrityu ke pashchaat pariwaar ke bharan poshan hetu compassionate ground par job mili ho aur agar us bete ki bhi mrityu ho jaye aur pariwaar ek baar phir besahara ho jaye toh bete ki gratuity, PF vagairah par Maa aur bhai behen ka haq hoga ya bete ki nisantaan patni ka jo bete ki mrityu ke baad pariwaar se alag rehti hai? PF aur Gratuity Act ke anusaar PF aur Gratuity par ghar ke kin sadasyon ka adhikaar hota hai?

  70. Christopher Mani

    I’ve filed for enomination and also esigned on the UAN portal. How much it will take now to approve it??

  71. Hello Sir,

    While adding Virtual ID for updating PF Nominee it is showing a error : “Error 1010 : Error while registering eSign”

      1. Hello Basavaraj,
        I’m trying the same process now after 2 months and even after multiple attempts , I’m getting the same error message , Error 1010. Any update around this would be helpful. I believe, unless I’m able to do e-sign, my nomination history will not be updated (it’s empty), and my nomination details will keep showing under pending nomination. Please suggest.

  72. Hello Sir,
    Once after saving the EPF nominee (Dependant mother), It is asking for EPS nominee !! {Since it’s not taking Dependant mother details for EPS} Who’s details can be updated as EPS Nominee ?

  73. Can a female EPFO member appoint nominee as her husband currently this option is not available. Is it missed out or legally she cannot nominate her husband(spouse).
    Please reply.

  74. I have recently joined new company on 01.06.19 and i want to transfer PF of my old company to new company. I tried to transfer but system is not allowing.

    Please tell me is there any time boundation for transfer of PF i.e from date of new joining.

  75. While filling e-nomination, system is asking bank details. All six banks which are mentioned in them nominee has no account. Can we put there joint account detail i.e joint account of pf holder and nominee.

  76. Prashant Kadam

    After successfully esigned enomination in pf, pdf shows that signature not verified or Invalid. why?

  77. Hi i m sunil i submitted nominee details aadhar is verified but the problem is nominee is incorrect it is possible to correct the nominee now when aadhar is verified and how please do favour of this

  78. You need to modify e signing portion. Nowadays, it requires a virtual ID to be generated and submitted for e-signing. I am unable to do, as there is no guidance on Internet so far

  79. Hi,
    While doing E-Nomination on UAN Portal, after filling Family Details (Name, Relation, Address, Photo) and while pressing “Save Family Details” it is giving me error –
    “Error while saving family details. Please try after some time. ”
    I tries multiple time in few weeks, still same error.
    Can someone please help??

  80. I have added my family details as nominee and saved the epf nominations too, but still no any e-sign tab is showing on the dashboard. kindly tell me when i will be able to approve my nominee when i have already saved the details of the same.

  81. While registering through esign method it’s asking for Virtual ID which was generated through aadhar website. Even then it gives an error ‘Error 1010: Error while registering esign’

  82. I am not able to view my nomination details. it gives error “AADHAAR authentication failed. Details available against this UAN are not matching with details available with UIDAI.”
    but when i checked for KYC details , my aadhar is verified by UIDAI.
    what is solution for this.

  83. I am trying to update the Nominee and when I selected the nominee from the list of the family, the “Total amount of share (%)” field is still in Grey mode and is not allowing me to enter the percentage. What could be the reason

  84. Hi,

    While am doing e sign for approve nominee details, getting notification message “e-sign up gradation is under process !!” please suggest me on it as am unable to do e sign

  85. OTP not received for e-nomination. Pls advise.
    Process of e-nomination , i feed complete details of the same and save it. Then press for e-digitally signature but still OTP not recieved.

  86. Hi,
    My father has epf account and from the starting of pension he was deducting of its pensionable money for my mother. Unfortunately, my mother expired in 2014 and recently I came to know about the pension money which is still deducting in the name of my mother.
    1) Please let me know how can my father claim all that money which has been deducted in my mother’s name.
    2) My father is enrolled in PATNA.

    Waiting for your kind suggestions and comments.

    1. Sir my dad was dead before 11 month and his working in private company how do I get copy of nominee name sir . It’s I. My mother name but I need full details of this and copy of nominee name and family details also

  87. I have a query.Though I am married,I want to keep my parents as nominee of PF account.If I change my marital status to ” Married”,can I still add my parents only in e-nomination?

  88. During e nomination lastli on clicking esign meesage ” esign upgradation under process” is notified and the nomination is still pending.Please advise

  89. Dear Basavaraj.
    While updating nomination details under e-Nomination option, you have elsewhere advised first providing address and to SAVE, before we see the screen for updating family details.
    While trying to save address, it shows ” Marital status Not Provided.
    Marital Status must be available”.
    Please advise

  90. DeepaPriya Ganesan

    my aadhar details is still pending approval since i cldnt add my bank details.this is happening with my second epfo account.my first accnt have approved aadhar details.i need to make it as one.can you give a solution?

  91. OTP is not being received for digitally signing of deceleration again E-nomination while AADHAR is linked to UAN and also the same number is linked on member portal as well as on AADHAR. No error message is also shown.

  92. Neeraj Lakhwan


    How to update my marital status in EPF account. there is no option enable to update for the same.

  93. Hi,

    Actually my old mobile number is linked to my Aadhaar so in this case its not possible to e-verify the Nominee update.
    Is there any other process to verify or some other approch?

    Thanks in advance.

  94. Pradeep Gautam

    Hi Basu,

    How can we update the marital status and i dont see the option for “Having Family”?

    Whom should i contact to get these updated.


  95. I get Below error. please advise
    AADHAAR authentication failed. Details available against this UAN are not matching with details available with UIDAI.

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